Objectives of the Community College – Sanaa

Community colleges are among the leading educational institutions. Perhaps one of the most important justifications for their popularity and increasing demand for them is that they contain programs that are comprehensive and flexible and are compatible with the needs of individuals and development plans. Law No. (5) of 1996 defined the goals of community colleges as follows:

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Preparing medium cadres to secure development requirements from manpower with technical competencies.
Establishing the principle of community participation in spreading education.
Create an educational system characterized by flexibility and adaptation to modern technologies and labor market indicators.
Contributing to the activation of training and qualification to advance the scientific and skill level.

In addition, the college will work to achieve the following general goals:

Developing and updating technical education in line with development requirements.
Work to raise the efficiency of workers in state agencies and public, private, mixed and cooperative sector institutions by contributing to the organization of training and in-service training and rehabilitation programs as well according to the needs and requirements of the labor market.
Strengthening relationships with applied universities, vocational training institutions and other relevant bodies to achieve integration.
The Community College also aims to provide the learner with the skills he needs in the labor market, in addition to giving him a broad base of information with a multi-purpose use, such as basic sciences, language, communication skills and computer uses, and qualifies the student for a specific profession confirms his proficiency in his specialization and familiarity with a skill that he can refine with experience Appropriate in the field.

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